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Blog Once Upon A Dream 2020/2021 Winners

Once Upon A Dream 2020/2021 Winners

By Young Writers | winners

Once Upon A Dream 2020/2021 Winners

We're delighted to announce our school and student winners...


1st Place Student
Winner of an iPad and the Young Writers’ Student Award of Excellence

Isabel Lombardi (12) from St Michael School, OH whose poem “I Dream Of A World” was our favorite poem! Isabel's poem was published in “Once Upon A Dream 2020 – The Poet Within”. Here are her winning words...

I Dream Of A World

I dream of a world where people can see
The things that they love - the person they want to be.
I dream of a world that's full of kindness and love
Where all are treated equally from the ground and above.
Where people give helping hands instead of mean glares,
Where all that we have, we are willing to share.
Where instead of people seeing only black and white,
They see the World of Color, the one I dream of at night.
When God's children go to sleep, I dream they all have beds,
Instead of broken families, they have love around their heads.
Where hungry bellies disappear, and minds are clear of hate,
Where happiness is all we need, and it is everyone's fate.
I dream of a world where everything is clear,
Where every voice is loud for all to hear.
I dream of a world where the sun hangs in the sky,
Where you can hear the birds all around fly.
This is what I want, what I ask for every night,
One day, I wish, my dream, just maybe, maybe will take flight.

© 2020 - Isabel Lombardi (12) - St Michael School, OH

Student Runner-Up
Winner of a $50 Amazon gift card

Dahlia Lieb (11) from PS 130 Parkside Upper Elementary School, NY whose poem “What Do You Believe In?” has been chosen as the runner-up! Dahlia's poem was published in “Once Upon A Dream 2020 – Inside The Mind”. Here are her winning words...

What Do You Believe In?

Someone, my friend I guess, asked,
"Do you believe in God?"
I simply shrugged.
But again she asked,
"Then what do you believe in?"
I said nothing, but I thought about what I believe in,
I believe in love, long walks and mismatched socks.
Family, friends, road bends.
An education, crying, flying.
Flying with the wind, to your goals, with all your holes.
No matter how brave you may be,
Or if you only have the courage to say hello to me.
I'll believe in you, I hope you will too.

© 2020 - Dahlia Lieb (11) - PS 130 Parkside Upper Elementary School, NY

1st Place School Winner
Winner of The Young Writers’ Award of Excellence

Lafayette Mills Elementary School, NJ has been chosen as the school that submitted the best set of entries overall. 13 of their students have been published in “Once Upon A Dream 2020 – Everlasting Ink” - huge congratulations!


1st Place Student
Winner of an iPad and the Young Writers’ Student Award of Excellence

Olivia Tabeek from PS/IS 49, Middle Village NY whose poem "A Simple Dream" was our favorite poem! Olivia's poem was published in "Once Upon A Dream – Poems From New York".

A Simple Dream

My dream
Is not of a candy land
Not of a palace soaring high in the sky
Although it may seem odd for a child
Our dreams are not always so easy and mild
Go after them, chase them
But there's no time to wait
Our dreams await.
My dream
Is not of a unicorn flying through the air
Not of me being the Queen's next heir
Nor of a beach filled with glistening sand
And not of me roaming a golden land
But if you must know
I will tell you my dream
But I'm warning you
It's not as easy as it seems.
My dream
Is called life
And I want to live it
This beautiful gift
I want to enjoy every bit!
It's of my family and friends
Standing by
Whenever I need
A push to fly.
My dream
Is of good times
With the people that I love
They are what I hold most dear and above
They are what ignites my light
And they are who guide me
Through day and through night.

© Olivia Tabeek (11), PS/IS 49, Middle Village

Student Runner-Up
Winner of a $50 Amazon gift card and the Young Writers’ Student Award of Excellence

Alexandra Davidescu from PS 174 William Sidney Mount School, Rego Park NY whose poem "I Have A Dream" was our favourite poem! Alexandra's poem was published in "Once Upon A Dream – Empire State Poets".

I Have A Dream

This world is amazing
Something many people say
But sometimes
I like to close my eyes
And imagine my own place
I imagine a land full of love and peace
Where people worry about bad friends
the least
Where kindness spreads like butter
Rainbows parade through the summer
And happiness would knock on doors
And fill rooms with smiles
You can find hundreds of feelings
All stocked up in piles
You can hear golden silence
Dance through the leaves
While you gently hear the birds
Tweet from a distant breeze
Diseases and sickness wouldn't even exist
Where hate won't be on the top of our lists
Everyone would be kind to one another
As if we were all sisters and brothers
Maybe one day
In the future not so far away
The world in its bliss
Would be something like this.

© Alexandra Davidescu (10), PS 174 William Sidney Mount School, Queens

1st Place School Winner
Winner of the Young Writers’ Award of Excellence

Chevy Chase Elementary School, MD has been chosen as the school that submitted the best set of entries overall. 17 of their students have been published in "Once Upon A Dream – The American South".
Published: Thu 8th Aug 2024

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